XML Namespace: Attributes are a little different

An attribute can appear in a different namespace than the element that contains it. For example, <movie:title xml:lang="fr"> has an attribute that is not from the movie namespace. If an attribute name has a prefix, its name is in the namespace indicated by the prefix. However, if an attribute name has no prefix, it has no namespace. This is true even when the default namespace has been assigned. The W3C Namespaces in XML Recommendation makes that point with this example:
<x xmlns="http://www.w3.org" xmlns:n1="http://www.w3.org">
  <good a="1" n1:a="2" />
The elements are affected by the declaration of a URI for the default namespace. That is, both x and good are associated with the URI "http://www.w3.org" because it's the default namespace. The attribute n1:a is also associated with that namespace, due to its use of the n1 prefix, which is associated with the same URI. There is no conflict that the a attribute is being declared twice, because while n1:a is in the http://www.w3.org namespace, the unprefixed a is not; the latter is not in any namespace.

Copied from XML Namespace
Another Interesting tutorial for XML NS: Here

Dependency Trees

A dependency tree is a graphical representation of a sentence parsed using a dependency grammar. The nodes in the tree correspond to words in the sentence being parsed (and sometimes to special synthesized nodes). The arcs correspond to dependency relations between a "head" word, at the upper end of an arc, and the dependent words at the lower ends of the arcs connected to the head word. The grammatical relations between head and dependent words are such things as subject, object, modifier, etc.

TPTP - A Java Profiling Tool

In software engineering, program profiling, software profiling or simply profiling, a form of dynamic program analysis (as opposed to static code analysis), is the investigation of a program's behavior using information gathered as the program executes. The usual purpose of this analysis is to determine which sections of a program to optimize - to increase its overall speed, decrease its memory requirement or sometimes both.

The set of profiling tools provides software developers or testers with the ability to analyze the performance of a Java program or to gain a comprehensive understanding of the overall performance of an application. Eclipse Test and Performance Tools Platform (TPTP) is such a tool used for profiling. A good tutorial is here: Tutorial.

Ontology learning

Ontology learning also known as ontology extraction, ontology generation or ontology acquisition is a semi-automatic way of information extraction which is used to build an ontology from scratch (finding concepts and their relations), enriching or adopting an existing ontology.

C'est tres interessant

Apres long temps, j'ai ecrit une article en francais. En fait, j'ai une nouvelle interessante. La nouvelle est ici:

Aujourd'hui encore, il n'y a pas l'electricite et les routes dans ma ville. La vie est difficile. Par example, je peux appeller mes parents une fois de mois ! Donc on peux imaginer la situation et la vie là bas. En consequence, les personnes de ma ville veux partir le village pour trouver travailles et pour la vie mieux.

La tendance migration est normal. Mais la tendance donne resultats interessants. Par example, aujourd'hui j'ai trouve une personne qui j'ai vu beaucoup d'annes avant. J'ai vu lui dans ma ville 15 anne avant ! Merci web, merci mes articles blog et merci Google. A cause d'eux, il a trouve moi and donc j'ai trouve ma frere de ma ville. C'st tres interesterant....n'est pas? ;)

Federated Search

Federated search is the simultaneous search of multiple online databases or web resources and is an emerging feature of automated, web-based library and information retrieval systems. It is also often referred to as a portal or a federated search engine.