Following video won the first prize in The world democracy video challenge. The video is a creation of Anup Paudel, a Nepali guy. It is awesome ! Many many congratulations to Anup !!
A Chinese concept for Non-Stop Trains, wow !
I liked this idea. Watch it carefully.
Read more: in this blog
Basically, the train is made up of the regular train compartment and also the ‘boarding/unboarding’ compartment. Passengers may board the ‘boarding’ compartment while waiting for the train to arrive at the station. As the train arrives, it slows down and is located beneath the ‘boarding’ platform, latching on and begining to carry the now boarded compartment. Passengers are then able to go down into the actual train and continue their journey. Moreover, as the train arrived at the station and picked up a new compartment, the previous station compartment was unlatched and was left at this current station, allowing passengers to board at their own time-constraint and leisure.
Read more: in this blog