Definitions of few words in linguistics

Today I am presenting the definitions for few words which are commonly used in linguistic. They are Synonymy, Antonymy, Hypernymy, Hyponymy & Meronymy, and Corpus. Note that I have used Wikipedia for the definitions.
  1. Synonymy: Synonyms are the different words but refers to the same or similar meaning. State of being synonyms is called Synonymy and words which are synonyms are called synonymous. Example: Buy and Purchage (verbs), pretty and attractive (adjectives) etc.
  2. Antonymy: Antonyms are the words which have opposite meanings or refers to the opposite pair. e.g. Male and Female, Long and Short.
  3. Hyponymy & Hypernymy : According to the wikipedia [1], hyponym is a word or a phrase whose semantic range is included within that of another word. In other words, hyponyms are a set of related words whose meaning are specific instances of a more general word. Hyponym is also known as IS-A relations between concepts. On the other hand, hypernyms are the words which represents a broad meaning. To make the definitions clear, consider words car, automobiles, bus, plane and vehicle. Here vehicle refers all forms of transportation i.e. car, automobile, bus and plane. Thus, vehicle is hypernym of each of these words. Conversely each of those words are the hyponyms of the word vehicle.
  4. Meronymy and Holonomy: Meronymy (Part-Of relationship between concepts ) is opposite of Holonomy. Holonomy defines the relationship between a term denoting the whole and a term denoting a part of , or a member of, the whole. Putting differently, X' is a holonym of 'Y' if Ys are parts of Xs, or
    'X' is a holonym of 'Y' if Ys are members of Xs. Examples: 'tree' is a holonym of 'bark', of 'trunk' and of 'limb' | 'finger' is a meronym of 'hand' because a finger is part of a hand | 'wheel' is a meronym of 'automobile'.
  5. Corpus: A corpus is a large and structured set of texts which are used to do statistical analysis, hypothesis testing etc.
  6. Polysemy: A polyseme is a word or phrase with multiple, related meanings. For instance, the word wood can refer either 1. a piece of a tree or 2. a geographical area with many trees.
[1] Wikipedia


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